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Notes for William (Spouse 1) | |||||||||||
WILLIAM was a puritan Elder in the 1640's and carried out Puritan reforms in the parish inherited NINNINGS & left it to his son William Name: William Campe, 16 January, 1661 (burial not recorded at Nazeing) · Married Sara Clarke, 22 September 1623 · Sara – William Campe, bapt. September 1624 · Joan - William Campe, bapt. 25 February 1626 · Kathrine ??? - William Campe, bapt. March 1628 (not in will) · William ??? - October 1632 (married Diana Shelley, 18 August 1662) Date proved: June 1662 Executors: William Campe (son) Deposited: (copy of original will) In the name of god Amen. the sixteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lorde god one Thousand six hundred & sixty one. I William Campe of Nasing in the County of Essex, yeoman am sicke in body but of perfect Remembrance thanks bee to Allmighty God for the same doe make & ordeyne & make this my last will & Testament as followeth.. I comit my soule into the hands of god beleveinge to bee saved by the Merits of Jesus my Redeemer & my body to the earth with assured hope of the Resurection of the Just at the last Day. As Concerning my worllie goods I give & bequeath in manner & forme as followeth First I give & bequeath to my sonneWilliam Campe all this my messuage or Tenement wherein I now dwell called Ninningets with all the housings & lands with there Appurtenances there unto belonging to him & his heires for ever upon this condition. That hee pay unto his mother my beloved wife Tenn Pounds a yeare during hir natruall life att the four most usuall feast Days or termes in the yeare. That is to say at the sixe & Twenteth Day of march fiffty shillings & att or upon the four & Twenteth day of June Fifty shillings & all so att St. Michal the archangel Fifty shillings & att Christ tide beeing the five & Twenteth of Dec Fifty shillings. Item: I give & bequeath to my daughter Joan, Robert Borams wife Tenn pounds to be payed within one yeare after my Decease & allso the beed that stands in the Chamber over the Halle with all the furneture now belonging to it. Item: I give & bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Norton Tenn Pounds to bee paid to hir within one yeare after my Decease.& allso Forty shillings a yeare To be paide to hir att To Equall payments. That is to say at St.Michal the archangel Twenty shillings & att the five & Twentyeth of March Twenty shillings for the Terme of Tenn Years but if it shall happen that she shall depart hir naturall life before the Terme be expiered then to her Two Dauters Sarah & Joan whille the Tenn Yeares be ended. Item: I give & bequeath to Sarah my loving wife all the linning about the house, the bed that stands in the Chamber over the parlor with all the furnetur hereunto belonginge & the Chamber over the hall to dwell in yf she please & one hundred & a halfe fagots every yeare during hir life to bee laid when she please att sett & seasonable Times & allso the Coberd & Dresser, a grate Chare which stands in the Chamber over the hall & the great Chest in the Chamber over the pallor & Two bras posnetts, one brasse Cotte & a warminge pan & four peuter Dishes & Two Dishes & Two small Chares which shee ?? andTwo Dishes & Two spouns & half a duzon of Trenchers & a paire of potthangers, a pare of Tongs & a fier ?? Towell ? ? & a Caperon ?? & the little Table in the pallor so long as she liveth & after hir to my sonn WilliamCampe for ever. I give unto my Daughter Sarah a black Cowe. I give & bequeath to my granchild William Norton one Ewe & lambe : If my sonn doe refuse to paye Those leageces before mentioned To my wife & my Two Daughters itshall be lawful for Them or ether of Themto Renter upon the messuage & those Closses hereunto adioyning & to hold them while her mony be paide & all the Rest of my movable unbequeathed. I give to my sonn WilliamCampe home I make soule Executor of this my last Will & Testament in writing in wittness wheare unto I have sett to my hand & seale the daye & yeare first Above written The mark ~ of William Campe (seal) John Foord (signs) Samuel Adam (signs) | |||||||||||
Last Modified 26 Nov 2007 | Created 29 Dec 2011 using Reunion for Macintosh |