Notes for CHARLES LUM CAMP: The following was taken from theobituary written for Chalres Camp and published in December1875. The article was difficult to read and had some unreadableareas: Charles was born in 1840. Having reached his majorityand swayed by the excited patriotism of the day, he foundhimself on the banks of the Potomic with thousands of others,struggling for the unity of the states. When discharged from thearmy, he located in New York and was employed mostly as asalesman, bookkeeper, and superintendent of working gangs on thedifferent lines of city improvements. The smiles and frowns offickle fortune fell alternately upon him. Worn with toil andenervated by sickness, needing care, and sympathy of those whocherished his childhood, and (unreadable) his sorrows, he camehome to die. This day, followed by a large concourse of peopleand borne by four soldier mates to the tents of the dead, headded one more grave to the long line of family graves" |