. Her father was William "Camp, one of four brothers who werepioneer settlers and merchants in Owego. Their businessrequired an annual trip to new York city; and when returningfrom such a trip in 1825, William Camp took passage atWilkes-Barre on board a steam boat which had been fitted up toply between that place and Owego. This was the trial trip ofthe boat, and proved disastrous. The boiler burst and injuredseveral passengers, among them Mr. Camp, and he died in a fewdays. Mrs. Ely's mother was Abigail Whittlesey, the onlydaughter of Captain Asaph Whittlesey, who, with his command offorty men, was killed at the Wyoming massacre in June, 1778. Butbefore the battle began Captain Whittlesey placed his daughter,who was a babe of fourteen months, on a raft in charge of ahired man, and sent them down the river. Her life was thussaved, and she was subsequently taken to Connecticut and rearedby her father's relatives, and was married to William Camp aboutthe year 1800. |