Marriage Notes for LOUISE CAMP and DALE ROBB: Louise was aschool teacher working in Dale's home town of Flagler, CO. Hercontract prohibitted her from marrying. She and Dale went acrossthe Kansas border and were married there. Both witnesses wer theSuperintnedent of school and his wife. Rhwy kept the marriagesecret unti the end of the school year and then the next yearshe applied as a married teacher. Children of LOUISE CAMP andDALE ROBB are: i. ARTHUR DALE14 ROBB108, b. August 23, 1947,Alexandria, VA.108; m. RUBY IRENE KUHLMANN108, August 31, 1968,Albert, KS.108; b. January 04, 1947, Hamilton, TX.108. Notesfor ARTHUR DALE ROBB: Marriage Notes forARTHUR ROBB and RUBY KUHLMANN: Were married by wife's father andbrother who were Luteran ministers in her father's church. ii.CATHERINE LOUISE ROBB108, b. May 11, 1951, San Antonio, TX.108;d. June 21, 1951, San Antonio, TX.108. 428. iii. LU ANN ROBB,b. December 15, 1952, San Antonio, TX.. |